The best way to keep your dogs cool in the hot weather is being prepared and planning ahead. Our main aim is to keep our dogs healthy, happy and comfortable. We all want to keep our dogs safe during the hot weather and prevent heatstroke.
How are your pets coping with the hot weather?

We have put together a few tips on ways to keep your fur-babies safe in the hot weather.
We all want our pets to still have fun and burn off energy, but we also need to be able to find ways to safely do so whilst protecting our pets from the heat and keeping them safe.
Dog Walks
Always be mindful of the weather conditions when planning your walks. Try and avoid going on a walk if it is too hot, as our poor fur-babies just can't cope with the heat. Or consider a walk very early morning or late in the evening when the weather is significantly reduced in heat, as this may be safer for your fur-baby.
Try and stick to shaded areas and keep exercise for your pet as gentle as possible. If you can then during hot weather try and stick to stimulating activities for your pets at home in the shade.
Protect Your Pets Paws
The easiest way to tell if a surface is going to be too hot for your fur-baby is to check it for yourself. If it feels too hot to you when you touch the surface then the chances are it will be too hot for your fur-babies paws.
It is always best to stick to shady and grassed areas in the heat as this is best for your pets paws.
Way's To Use Your Dog's Energy In The Heat
During hot weather it is always a good idea to find safer options to burn off your pets energy. Finding way's to use up your dogs mental, and physical energy which are less strenuous, also out of the heat is definitely a safer option for your pet.
If you have a pet that likes to run, hunt and explore when out on a walk, perhaps you could hide the pets favourite treats or toys in shaded areas at home instead, then send them to sniff them out.
Have you thought about puzzle toys where you can hide treats. These are fun and stimulating toys. Or you could set up a small pet pool in the shade and add their favourite toys for encouragement.
Always make sure your dogs are calm and out of the heat.
Regular Grooming
Regular grooming will not only help with keeping your pets coat clean, fresh and knot free, it will also help with keeping your pet feeling fresh, cool and comfortable too.
Staying Fit And Healthy
Pet health is important all year round so attending their regular health checks with the vet will help you maintain their health with the advice from the vet. Ensuring they are at a healthy weight during the warmer weather especially will help them cope better with the heat.
If you have any concerns at all about your dogs health always seek help from your vet asap.
Eating During Hot Weather
Your pets will mostly likely be less active during the hotter weather, so it may be a good idea to monitor how much food you give them during this time. If your pet is eating more than they are burning off then this can have an effect on their weight.
During the hotter weather it may may be a good idea to teach your dog some new tricks or do some training with them indoors with their treats where it is cooler. This would be a great way to build upon your relationship, keep your dog stimulated and their brain active.
Travelling With Your Dog
Travelling with a dog in a vehicle during hot weather is always best avoided where possible. Dogs being left in a vehicle is a massive NO, always avoid doing this, even if just for a minute.
Even in a shaded area with a window open this is best avoided as dogs become distressed, uncomfortable and quickly get heat stroke. This can be fatal. Always have a plan in place so your dog isn't left in the vehicle.
If you do find yourself having to take your fur-baby out in the vehicle, try to make it as cool as possible for them. Try adding sun-shades to the windows, put the air-con on to cool the car down before your dog gets in the vehicle. If you can try and travel early or as late as you can so it isn't as hot.
Always make sure your dog has access to water throughout your journey.
Signs Of Heat Stroke
When dogs overheat they can suffer heat stroke. Heat stroke develops with dogs when they struggle to bring down their body temperature, sadly this can be fatal if not caught quickly.
Learning the signs to look out for can help save your dogs life. Not only learning the signs of heat stroke but learning how best to avoid getting heat stroke in the first place.
Signs of heat stroke are:
Heavy panting
Confusion and loss of coordination
Drooling or foaming at the mouth
Vomiting or diarrhea
Shaking or weakness
If you think your dog has heat stroke, contact your vets immediately!
Ways to make your dog comfortable whilst awaiting urgent help and advice from your vet.
Move your dog to a cool and shaded area
Place them on a cool and wet towel or in a breeze of a fan
Give water, little and often
Keep them as calm and still as possible
Pour cool (not cold) water over their feet and head and ears
If possible continue cooling your dog on the way to the vets
Ways Of Coping During The Heat
A few extra pointers on helping our fur-babies cope with the heat. Keep our curtains closed to shut the heat out. turn on fans and air coolers to keep a nice cool breeze going. Try and encourage them to lay on wet towels to help keep their body heat down. Put extra bowls fresh water around the house. Encourage extra drinking to help with body heat. Allow them to lay in a cool shaded area, such as a shaded tiled floor, or a on a cooling mat or an ice-pack. Freeze their treat toys, such as a filled and frozen Kong.
The main and most important way we can help them is let them rest and keep cool.
